We Are Born Naked...The Rest Is Drag...

Sun 20 October 2013 // 18:30 / Cinema

QueerRash!!!!! is a different night for queers and feminists, lesbians and gays, freaks and abnormals, transexuals and the tomboys of the assembly….
This month QueeRash presents the fims: 
L'ordre des Mots- (Binding Words); a documentary about the tribulations of trans people whose quest for gender identity is fettered by established norms. Their resistance is the search for knowledge, corporealities, sexuality and alternative identities to those of the conventional schemas. A great head-on analysis of the nature of oppression and repression faced by the trans and intersex community. Directors: Cynthia Arra and Melissa Arra , France 2007 -79 min.
Trailer video: http://youtu.be/cq3I9RiiUdg
Male Prostitution in Greece . A documentary about male prostitution in Greece. It explores the underground realities of those involved, which uncovers a highly genderized picture of maleness , gender , sexuality and prostitution. The director of the film is Paola one of the most famous trans activist in Greece that has worked as a prostitute most of her life and has experience the reality of prostitution in Greece. -27min.
 The desperation of Mimi - A silent film in which a hysterical cabaret singer is spurned by her lover.We watch her breaking down and finally finding her deliverance through madness. Written & directed by Elina Panik -32min.
Trailer video: http://youtu.be/IVSNDvavB2U

Letter to a Minnesota Prison - In 1963, Martin Luther King compared the US Declaration of Independence to a bounced cheque. In 2012 CeCe Mcdonald,  a black trans woman,  was imprisoned for manslaughter, and a bounced cheque was used as evidence against her. This film examines the double standards by which, fifty years after the Civil Rights March, some people are still judged not by the content of their character but by other variables such as race or gender identity.

6 minutes 57 seconds

Collaboration with our favourite Canny Little Library and a workshop with AJ McKenna :

''Queer Conversations'' - One way of looking at writing is as a conversation with your audience. As queer writers we tend to talk to two different types of audience: those who are outside our experience, and those who share it. This workshop will explore the concept of writing both as a way to respond to negativity in the form of homo/transphobia and bigotry by producing writing in which we talk back to the voices which try to bring us down, and standing up for ourselves by celebrating the voices, often marginalised, who have spoken up for and with us in our history.'

3 pounds/ 5 pounds or donations or free.
This specific QueerRash!!! will be a fundraiser for the film makers and activists that are doing amazing stuff for Trans awareness  in their countries.
Between and at the end of the movies we will have some darker music…from Trela Kasela (XmalX) and AMOK radio show - with Juli, Amir and Trela)…Plus Photograph exhibit by Stolen Orange…
  and dont forget…
We are born naked, the rest is Drag…