David Leister's Kino Bingo!

Fri 7 November 2014 // 20:00 / Cinema

KINO BINGO challenges your powers of visual perception and memory. Four reels of 16mm found footage snippets from the eclectic collection of
the Kino Club archives, are simultaneously projected, so pay 

All you have to do is match the cryptic clues on your Kino Bingo card with what you see the screen. This years special presentation will be Kino Bingo All-Stars, 4 reels of classic film clips creating a montage of film noir. Presented by your host and  projectionist, David Leister.

David Leister is a old friend to the Star and Shadow Cinema, harking back to the days of Cineside, he regularly visited and brought us fantastical bits of film kit and helped us restore bits and pieces. His Kino Bingo is a legendary night out and a regular and popular slot for London Short Film Festival and all the best independent screening venues around!