Hidden Sorrows

Dir. Michele Kelso

Sun 27 January 2008 // 19:30 / Cinema

Film programmed to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day. Rare and essential documentary chronicling the untold story of the Gypsy persecution by the Nazi, told by Romanian Gypsy survivors.

Hidden Sorrows was made by Michele Kelso, a student at the University of Michigan, and reveals the stories of the persecution of Romanian Gypsies during the Second World War.

Hidden Sorrows.The rarely told plight of their deportation to Transnistria is related by Gypsy survivors still living with their families in Romania today.

"[The deportation] affected us greatly. But I never lost my belief in humanity. Some tried to shoot us, others took what they had from their pockets - a chocolate - to give us to eat. There are good and bad people everywhere." Anuta, age 70

The University of Michigan wrote about this film on this page.

A rare and essential documentary.

The film will be followed at 9.15pm by a theatre play presented by Unity Theatre (included in the price for the film).