The Private Archives of Pablo Escobar

Dir. Marc de Beaufort , Spanish (English Subtitles), 2003

Fri 18 July 2008 // 20:30 / Cinema

Colombian film maker Marc de Beaufort’s ‘The Private Archives of Pablo Escobar’ attempts to straddle both the pop and political with this revealing documentary portrait of a complex man who grew freakishly rich and powerful from the drug trade. Rising from petty criminal to fearsomely influential political mover and shaker, Escobar managed to simultaneously present himself as ruthless, violent criminal whilst knowingly cultivating a kind of modern day ‘Robin Hood’ persona. Film screened at 8.30pm. Part of an special evening of visual art exhibitions from 7.30 featuring visual artist Peter Kennard's work on Pinochet's, photographer Jason Howe's Colombian project, and an exhibition of an iconic images from a children's Cuban sticker album. Part of ¡VAMOS! and ¡Cantina Latina! Free