The Daydreaming Archivist

Wed 13 April 2011 // 18:00 / Cinema

Very rare screenings of archive footage from the 1920s to the 1980s, taken out of the Northern Regional Film and Television Archive, and that haven’t been seen for decades!

How did this programme come about?

A small group of Star and Shadow Cinema volunteers and filmmakers were treated to full access of the Northern Regional Film and Television Archive based in Teeside Univeristy, Middlesbrough, where they sat, mesmerised like explorers, through hours of archive footage.


After watching an immense amount of footage, they have made up 3 programmes of excellent films, which show some of the hidden highlights of the archive, where modest and poignant pieces accompany humorous and touching films.

- The Eccentric Selection
- Protest, Police and The Social Contract
- Amateurs and Auteurs


The filmmakers participating to the project also made films from archive footage, by creatively editting bits and pieces into new works. These exciting new experiemntal films will be premiered on 15 June 2011.


This project is supported by the UK Film Council and the Northern Film and Media and the Digital Film Archive Fund, and this programme of films will be touring the UK and Europe after being screened at the Star and Shadow Cinema.



Here is our programme: